

Purpose and Mission: The magazine aims to inform and engage residents of the Noel group of apartments by providing news, events, and stories relevant to their lives.

  1. Articles, short stories, opinion pieces, recipes, and poems by Noel community members are featured.
  2. Content should be educational, informative, or entertaining, and should not promote religious or political views. The content should be respectful of different beliefs and perspectives. Obscenity to be avoided.
  3. Submissions must be original work, and plagiarism is not allowed.
  4. Written submissions should adhere to the word counts provided, and sent in a Word document.
  5. Image/illustration submissions should be sent in png/jpeg format and should be of high resolution. A maximum of five images/illustrations can be submitted at a time
  6. Only members of Noel associations can submit content
  7. A submitter can send in multiple submissions. If your article/image was submitted to another publication, provide publication contact information. If your article has been copyrighted in another publication, you must include the authorization to reprint along with your submission.
  8. The Editor and Magazine Management Committee reserve the right to refuse submissions deemed inappropriate for publication
Selection process:
  1. The editorial team will select the content, with a focus on representing all associations.
  2. The editorial team may edit content to fit the magazine layout (including condensing submissions), and the author will be notified of changes when possible. On a case-to-case basis, the editorial team may reach out to you to edit or modify the content.
  3. We will notify you regarding the decision of your submission (whether accepted or not for the current magazine edition).
  1. Published content will be attributed to the appropriate author (and the apartment name will be mentioned).
  2. The magazine will have both print and online editions (PDF edition); access to both will be restricted to only Noel association members.
  3. Each apartment will receive 1 copy of the magazine
  4. A special edition of the magazine will be released once a year featuring special events of Noel associations
  1. Select advertisers will be approached by NVAPL
  2. Residents of Noel apartments/members of the associations can approach NVAPL with request to advertise
General information:
  1. NOELite Magazine is a private circulation magazine owned by Noel Villas and Apartments Pvt Ltd.
  2. Noel Villas and Apartments Pvt Ltd have discretionary rights related to sourcing, publication, and circulation of NOELite.
  3. A management committee and editorial team are constituted by NOEL for governing all affairs related to NOELite Magazine.
  4. The submitter is responsible for ensuring compliance with relevant laws and for dealing with any copyright or intellectual property claims. NOEL will not undertake any responsibility/ liability in this regard

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